• Regardless of who is in the pulpit, the preaching of the word is a corporate act. The preacher works hard to preach (1 Tim 4:16). The hearers work hard to understand (Deut 4:1-14). The Spirit applies the word to our hearts, and His word reverberates throughout the room and throughout our lives during the week (2 Tim 2:2; 1 Pet 1:10-12).

  • Each year, our church family comes together to take a special offering in addition to what we regularly give to make a special impact for the advance of the gospel. God has provided. God wants the gospel to advance. He will see that it will happen. When we put together the individual treasures he has given each of us to steward, we put our hearts together in that place with God.

  • Kossuth is a church that loves partnering with global partners who are doing the frontline work in advancing the Kingdom. Because many of our partners are in sensitive locations, we don't often get to share too much about what they are doing. So just imagine with me for a minute as you read along.